New Blog settings

I have set the blog comments so that I have to say yes to any comments going up.  This is because lots of people are commenting and I would like to make sure they are all suitable for our blog.  I will try very hard to check the blog regularly and approve all P5/20 comments so that you can continue to chat to each other.

Enjoy the rest of your long weekend.

Miss PS

We built some bridges using our shape knowledge.

[kml_flashembed movie="P5/20 looked at what shape frames were the strongest and then using that knowledge built a bridge. The task was to build a bridge that could hold a white board flat and then hold weights on the white board. Well done to everyone especially the rock and rollers. Look how nearly all the bridges are made of triangular based shapes.

” width=”400″ height=”400″ allowfullscreen=”true” /]

Our fish.

Prince Harry is the bright orange one, he is quite the poser.
Princess Rose is the orange tailed female guppy. Eclipse is the black tailed guppy.
The larger orange cloud is Daisy and the smaller is called Maisy. Then the brown clouds are called fish’n (larger brown one) and chips (smaller brown one)