Tag Archives: Memories


7th July 2015 – 12:30pm

I know that there are many firsts when you arrive in a new place and in Ruhuha it was not different. Yes, it was my first feeling and impression of life passing by and a spirit of contentment fulfilled my soul. My eyes zoom everything in all directions and the long large street of Ruhuha amazes me. The soil is dry and the orange dust covers everything. Life in Ruhuha seems to be unique.

imageIt is the movement of people and bikes everywhere that makes Ruhuha so special. The riders are more than happy to approach and offer a ride for 200 RWF (it is only 20 pence).


5th July 2015

We, the GLP teachers, stay in the hotel Le Printemps in Kigali. The Rwandans read “La Printa.”  It is very important to know how to pronounce the name of the hotel, just in case you get lost in the town and need some directions from the locals.


The hotel is clean, the staff is friendly and the location is excellent.  I enjoyed the surrounding area where I  could have access to everything I needed.

There are restaurants, food shops and many banks. But I advise you may need a lot of patience. It takes about one hour to get your meal prepared and  the Banks electronic system can be very slow.  Can you wait?

I also treated myself a couple of times in a lovely saloon for a manicure and a pedicure.  It is just across the street. It has talented and kind staff. I think you have to remind them to start the pedicure first, so that it can dry while your manicure is done. Well, I did not notice it until the lady asked if I had my flip-flop with me. Of course not!

Well, as I said the location brings all the facilities,  such as  a very busy bus station. It is Kimirongo (some people say Chimirongo) and at the back of the station you will find the famous and alive market with the same name. Kimirongo market is a gem!



05th July 2015 – 8:44

I usually think that a picture can speak for itself.

image imageWhat a lovely sunny day and a beautiful clear blue sky!

Maybe a little bit tricky to accommodate all those suitcases in 2 trucks plus 16 teachers from Scotland in 4 cars at Kigali airport, Rwanda. Everybody was very excited, maybe a little anxious of what would happen next.


Yes, it is time for a pause and a pose while my first shot is taken in Kigali. I managed to carry a world map all the way from Aberdeen to Kigali without losing it. 

My husband has observed – “You have carried the world half way around it  haha…”

My friend Anne Goldie also said – “got your map ready…”

Yippee! I have made it!


I am supposed to write a journal about my experience in Rwanda. However I am not so sure if I know how to do it. It seems to me that a journal is like a diary as the entries can be daily. So, I hope my written activities summarise my most intimate thoughts, which will help me to keep myself on track of all the events that have impressed me or in some way have had  an impact on me.

In fact, the main objective of this blog is to bind things together and bring alive a memorable trip to Rwanda, July 2015.image