05th July 2015 – 8:44
I usually think that a picture can speak for itself.
What a lovely sunny day and a beautiful clear blue sky!
Maybe a little bit tricky to accommodate all those suitcases in 2 trucks plus 16 teachers from Scotland in 4 cars at Kigali airport, Rwanda. Everybody was very excited, maybe a little anxious of what would happen next.

Yes, it is time for a pause and a pose while my first shot is taken in Kigali. I managed to carry a world map all the way from Aberdeen to Kigali without losing it.
My husband has observed – “You have carried the world half way around it haha…”
My friend Anne Goldie also said – “got your map ready…”
Yippee! I have made it!
5th July 2015 – 7:55
Sleeping well on a long flight is never easy for me. However, I always hope to meet interesting people while flying abroad. A good chat is always welcome. But this time my KLM flights were very quiet from Aberdeen to Amsterdam, then Nairobi and finally Kigali.

I am aware that not all airplane seats are the same, but the best place for me is an aisle seat. It means that I can stretch my legs, go for a walk or to the toilet any time I want without disturbing anyone.
I have to confess that I cannot ignore a meal on long flights and this one in particular carried a taste of African flavour, slightly spicy, but I really enjoyed it.
The long flight was smooth and I could watch 3 films; Black and White, The Water Divine and Fifty Shades of Grey. In fact, the last one I could not finish watching it due to the time remaining. Anyway, it is always something I enjoy doing when flying long distances.
This blog aims to share my personal and professional experience in Rwanda