If you happen to be an early bird like me, your eyes and ears can catch the beauty of the first hours every morning. While the birds are singing in the trees that surround GS Rango, Ruhuha, this lady is sweeping the sparkingly clean walkway with a traditional short broom. It seems that the short-stocked broom has been part of the nation and the culture for a long time.

Well,  I thought I had also to try it myself. Why not?




Rwanda provides a unique perspective on how to continue to move towards its development to accomplish 2020 vision. The aim is to transform the country “into middle – income nation in which Rwandans are healthier, educated and generally more prosperous.”The switch to English can be challenging, but reading regularly will bring a significant number of benefits to the young people and their education.

Regularly, I used to meet the students  in the school library to explore the books available, as well as to help them to choose a suitable reader level that they could both read and understand.
