7th July 2015 – 12:30pm
I know that there are many firsts when you arrive in a new place and in Ruhuha it was not different. Yes, it was my first feeling and impression of life passing by and a spirit of contentment fulfilled my soul. My eyes zoom everything in all directions and the long large street of Ruhuha amazes me. The soil is dry and the orange dust covers everything. Life in Ruhuha seems to be unique.
It is the movement of people and bikes everywhere that makes Ruhuha so special. The riders are more than happy to approach and offer a ride for 200 RWF (it is only 20 pence).
7th July 2015 – 8:30
It is time to leave Kigali for the place I will stay for four weeks. It is Ruhuha, Mareba Sector in the District of Bugesera in Rwanda.
The region is predominantly arid and the vegetation is characterised by short grass, savannas, shrubs and short trees.
The climate is dry and the temperature average ranges between 26 and 29C.
I am looking forward to seeing my house and to know everything about Ruhuha. It is about 60 km from Kigali.
6th July 2015 – 17:30
I had an amazing opportunity to meet the most inspiring educators of IEE – Inspire Educate and Empower Rwanda (formerly International Education Exchange).
The teacher training initiative focuses on personalised professional development that takes place in the schools. It is the key factor for effective school based mentoring and capacity building. It also promotes the use of English as a medium of instruction in teaching and learning different subjects.
The pictures below show the first meeting between GLP teachers and IEE mentors at Aroma Restaurant.

This blog aims to share my personal and professional experience in Rwanda