Modern Methods Explained

They didn’t do it like that in my day!
Parents often worry that they will confuse their child by showing them the ‘wrong way’ to do something. In Angus, we like to teach children different ways to solve the same problem. This helps to deepen their understanding and build good ‘number sense’. We want children to be able to choose the best method for the numbers involved so that they can work smartly.

For example: 34 + 49

Takes a long time to set up, Error prone (can forget to add the ‘carrying figure’)




Better way but needs deeper understanding





Best way but needs very good ‘number sense’





Mind your mathematical language!
Maths has its own language. Sometimes the same word can have a different meaning in maths than in day-to-day life, for example the word operation. The most common meaning of this word is surgery to repair or heal a part of the body but in maths it means a number process. Addition, subtraction, multiplication and division are the four basic operations.

You may well have heard your child using ‘maths words’ that are new to you. These are explained below.

Click on the links below for maths words relating to number, patterns and relationships..


Words relating to other areas of maths are explained on the Parentzone website and can be accessed by clicking on the hyperlinks below.

Angles, Symmetry & Transformation
Key words: angle, axis, bearings, co-ordinates, grid reference, hypotenuse, parallel, perpendicular, Pythagoras Theorem, quadrant, symmetry, tangent, vertices/vertex

Ideas of Chance and Uncertainty

Data and Analysis
Key words: axis, bias, chart, Carroll Diagram, data, distribution, frequency, graph, histogram, mean, median, mode, pictogram, pie chart, probability, range, raw data, Stem and Leaf , trend, Venn Diagram

Expressions and Equations
Key words: algebra, algebraic, distributive law, equation, expression, factorise, like terms, solution sets, substitution, variable

The Impact of Maths
Key words: Babylonian, binary, Fibonacci, Egyptian, famous mathematicians, Pythagoras Theorem, Roman numerals

Key words: area, capacity, circumference, conservation, diameter, mass, perimeter, perpendicular, radius, tolerance, volume

Key words: BACS, budget, compound interest, credit, debit, debt, gross, income tax, interest, overdraft, pension, profit, recession, revenue, VAT

Properties of 2D Shapes and 3D Objects
Key words: arc, circle, circumference, composite, congruent, cube, cuboid, cylinder, decagon, diameter, equilateral, heptagon, hexagon, isosceles, kite, net, octagon, parallelogram, pentagon, perimeter, Pi, polygon, polyhedron, quadrilateral, radius, rectangle, rhombus, scalene, sphere, square, trapezium, triangle, vertex, vertices

Key words: analogue, annual, century, decade, digital, leap year, millennium, speed (distance, time)