Internet Safety: Information for Parents

CEOP Think you Know Parent/Carer Summary of Resources

Parent Info
Parent Info is a collaboration between CEOP and Parent Zone. Parent Info provides high quality information to parents and carers about their children’s wellbeing and resilience and utilises research and advice from a range of experts.

Schools and other organisations can host Parent Info directly on their own website, offering parents and carers with easy access to up-to-date articles, research and practical advice. There’s something new to share every week.


Nude Selfies: What Parents and Carers Need to Know
Nude Selfies: What Parents and Carers Need to Know is a series of three subtitled animated films for parents and carers. The films offer advice on how to keep children safe from the risks associated with the sharing of nude and nearly nude images.

Videos also available on YouTube.

The World Changes. Children Don’t.
This short film for parents and carers tells the age-old story of Romeo and Juliet, but with a modern twist. It shows how the lives of these young lovers might play out online today, including the Lark ‘tweeting’ and Romeo ‘friending’ Juliet.

Video available on YouTube.

Fact sheets for Parents and Carers
These fact sheets are designed for parents and carers to enable them to learn more about keeping their children safe online. They provide information on how to implement parental controls, what to do if a child has shared too much online and how to report to CEOP. Fact sheets are also available about some of the most common Social Media apps and sites.  Fact sheets are succinct and easy to read.

Click here to access the fact sheets.

Adopted children online risks
Supporting adoptive parents with issues around contact online with birth parents and acquaintances from the past can be complex. If the contact is not allowed offline then it should not take place with the assistance of technology. This resource can be used to raise awareness of the risks adopted children face online and how adoptive parents can respond and maintain their best interests.

Foster Carers
Looked after children can be particularly vulnerable online for a number of reasons; this presentation aims to give professionals trying to engage foster carers with some of the issues to consider pre-placement and the risks of technology during a placement.

NSPCC NetAware
A guide to the social networks your children use.  This site contains everything you need to know.

NSPCC – Net Aware

Website with advice for parents about how to set up parental controls and talking to your child about staying safe online and on mobile.

NSPCC – Preventing abuse and keeping children safe


Other General Information