Business Management N4/N5

Entry Requirements

Completion of the school based S3 Business Management course is preferable.

Course Content:

N5 Business Management introduces learners to the dynamic, changing, competitive and economic environment of industry and commerce. It develops skills in communicating and presenting business related information, in a variety of formats, to the various stakeholders of an organisation. Developing these skills will enable learners to succeed in life with determination and the ability to think logically. These skills will support learners in becoming more confident, particularly regarding their own future education and place in the world of work. Understanding the economic and financial environment in which business operates will help learners to contribute responsibly to society.

By encouraging working with others, the N5 Business Management Course will help learners to participate effectively in our ever-changing global business environment.

The Course has 3 Units of work:

  • Understanding Business

The general aim of this Unit is to enhance learners’ understanding of the features and characteristics of large business organisations including those that operate globally. Learners will explore in depth issues relating to the internal and external environment in which larger organisations operate and the effect this can have on decision making and profitability. Learners who complete this Unit will be able to: Give an account of the key objectives and activities of business organisations Apply knowledge and understanding of factors that impact on the activities of business organisations.

  • Management of People & Finance

The general aim of this Unit is to develop learners’ understanding of the management of people and finance for businesses. Learners will develop the skills, knowledge and understanding required to make decisions about how to manage these resources effectively. Learners who complete this Unit will be able to: Apply knowledge and understanding of how the management of people contributes to the success of an organisations Apply knowledge and understanding of how the management of finance contributes to the success of an organisation.

  • Management of Marketing & Operations

The general aim of this Unit is to develop learners’ understanding of the management of marketing and operations for businesses. Learners will develop the skills, knowledge and understanding required to make decisions about how to manage these activities effectively. Learners who complete this Unit will be able to: Apply knowledge and understanding of how the marketing function contributes to the success of organisations Apply knowledge and understanding of how the operations function contributes to the success of organisations.


  • National 5 – The coursework assignment set by the SQA and worth 30 marks will be undertaken during the course. External assessments:- This will consist of a single final examination worth 90 marks.

Progression Pathway: