Politics: Higher

Entry requirements:

  • A or B at National 5 English
  • A or B at National 5 Modern Studies (an A or B in National 5 Geography or History will also be considered)
  • Good literacy skills are important

Course Content:

The course consists of three areas of study: 

  • Political theory
  • Political systems
  • Political parties and elections

There is considerable flexibility in the contexts that can be studied within each area to allow for personalisation and choice.


Question paper 1 – 52 marks. This question paper has three sections: 

Section 1: Political theory 

Section 2: Political systems 

Section 3: Political parties and elections. 

Question paper 2 – 28 marks. This question paper enables candidates to demonstrate the following skills: comparing information about political theories, systems and parties interpreting, evaluating and synthesising a wide range of electoral data 

Assignment – 30 marks. The assignment asks candidates to: identify a political issue that invites discussion and debate research a political issue using a range of sources of information show detailed factual and theoretical knowledge and understanding of a political issue communicate information from, and refer to, political sources analyse and synthesise information in a structured manner draw a detailed and reasoned conclusion, showing an awareness of different points of view.

Progression Pathway:

  • Advanced Higher Modern Studies
  • University – Law, Social Sciences, Politics and Psychology.  
  • For more information about a wide range of higher education and career options, see Ms. Day.