Art and Design: National 4 or 5

Recommended Entry Requirements:

  • Successful completion of Art & Design in S3 would benefit any student willing to study at National 4 or 5 level.

Course Content:

  • The course has three components; expressive folio, design folio and art and design studies critical exam. (National 4 course is only the two folio elements)
  • Expressive folio: Pupils should select a theme which is of interest to them, this could be portraiture, urban environment or still life. Pupils may have a specific passion which could usually be incorporated into their theme. Developing investigation and research drawings is the first stage and from here the development of their idea should be explored. Identifying interesting compositions and media that captures their theme and skill best is the aim here. This leads on to a final piece which should incorporate the most successful composition and media used in the development process.
  • Design folio: Pupils should select a theme in which they wish to create their body adornment design. Themes can be anything from architecture to one of the four seasons or looking specifically at an insect or sea creature. Thematic and market research and initial design ideas are completed along with a design brief which will be referred to throughout the process. This covers the investigation and research aspect of the folio. The next stage involves developing a prototype of the initial design drawing showing the design for the first instance in 3D form. From here there is experimentation with materials and techniques identifying what is successful and what isn’t. Thinking about the function, aesthetics and target market as well as the design brief is vital for a successful outcome. This links into the development of a final piece which should incorporate the most successful aspects of the development process.


  • National 4

To achieve the National 4 Art and Design Course, learners must pass all of the required Units, including the Added Value Unit. The required units are shown in the Course outline section. National 4 courses are not graded.

  • National 5

Question paper 50 marks (20% of the course)- pupils prepare for this in class throughout the year and sit an exam which is normally at the end of May.

Expressive folio worth 100 marks (40 % of the course) – Pupils are asked to respond to an agreed theme producing a range of analytical drawings and studies. They should use a range of materials, techniques and technology to explore expressive effects following a single line of development. This will lead to a final piece.

Design folio worth 100 marks (40% of the course) – Pupils are asked to respond to a design brief producing relevant market and thematic research. They should use a range of skills and techniques following a single line of development. Pupils should consider the functional qualities of their design with reference to their design brief. This will lead to a final piece.

Progression Pathway: