Music Technology: Higher

Recommended Entry Requirements:

  • National 5 Music Technology pass

Course Content:

  • The following provides a broad overview of the subject skills, knowledge and understanding developed in the course:
  • knowledge and understanding of 20th and 21st century musical styles and genres, and how they relate to the development of music technology
  • knowledge of the features and functions of music technology hardware and software
  • skills in using music technology hardware and software to capture and manipulate audio
  • planning, implementation and evaluation of sound production application of music technology in creative ways
  • awareness of a range of contexts in which music technology can be applied
  • awareness of the implications of intellectual property rights in the context of music production
  • the ability to critically reflect on own work


You will be assessed by completing a recording assignment (70%) and completing a listening paper (30%).

The assignment allows you to demonstrate practical application of knowledge and skills from the course to plan, implement and evaluate a creative production using music technology.

You will produce the audio for a film soundtrack, audiobook, radio broadcast, computer game or other similar context.

The question paper allows you to use listening skills and draw on and apply knowledge and understanding of technological terms, technological developments, styles and genres, and music concepts covered in the course.

These are marked externally by the SQA.