Climate, Energy, Tourism & Life Today 

Watch this video to find out about the S3 Climate, Energy, Tourism and Life Today course:

Course content:

Learners will explore the themes of society, tourism, climate change and energy through the lens of three different countries – China, Costa Rica and South Africa.


Society: Pupils will learn about what the society is like in each country. They will explore the political system and how this impacts on the lives of people living there. They will explore aspects of life like freedom of speech, crime, health, wealth and education to learn about similarities and differences between the countries and how they compare to Scotland. This aspect of the course links directly to National Modern Studies.

Tourism: Pupils will explore different types of tourism that take place in each country. They will learn about the impacts of tourism on people and the environment and how these impacts can be managed. This aspect of the course links directly to National Geography and National Travel and Tourism.

Climate and Energy: Pupils will learn about how each country has contributed to climate change and the factors that cause these contributions to be different. They will learn about how renewable energy is one of the key solutions to climate, exploring how different types of energy are generated and how the focus countries use them. This aspect of the course links directly to National Energy for the Future.


  • Learning will be assessed through class activities and homework. This will include some group work activities.
  • Open and closed book assessments will also be used. 

Progression Pathway: