English: National 4/5 Recommended Entry Requirements:

  • All pupils will study this subject. The decision whether to present pupils for National 4 or National 5 will be based upon pupil performance in S1-3 and an assessment that will take place towards the end of S3.

Course Content:

The National 4 course is made up of four mandatory units.

  • English: Analysis and Evaluation

In this unit learners will have the opportunity to develop listening and reading skills in the contexts of literature, language and media. They will develop the skills needed to understand, analyse and evaluate straightforward texts.

  • English: Creation and Production

In this unit learners will have the opportunity to develop talking and writing skills in familiar contexts. They will develop the skills needed to create and produce straightforward texts in both written and oral forms.

  • Literacy

In this unit learners will develop their reading, writing, listening and talking skills in a variety of forms relevant for learning, life and work. Learners also develop the ability to communicate ideas and information orally and in writing with technical accuracy.

  • Added Value Unit: English Assignment

The Added Value Unit is to provide learners with the opportunity to apply their language skills to investigate and report on a chosen topic.

The National 5 course is made up of four components:

  • Reading for Understanding, Analysis and Evaluation
  • Critical Reading – including studying a Scottish Set Text
  • Portfolio – writing
  • Performance – spoken language

The course offers learners opportunities to develop and extend a wide range of skills. In particular, the course aims to enable learners to develop the ability to:

  • listen, talk, read and write, as appropriate to purpose, audience and context
  • understand, analyse and evaluate texts, including Scottish texts, as appropriate to purpose and audience in the contexts of literature, language and media
  • create and produce texts, as appropriate to purpose, audience and context
  • apply knowledge and understanding of language

Homework will be given on a regular basis and will be used to support and assess the work being completed in class. Pupils will be expected to undertake most of the work for their Writing Folio at home.


  • National 4:

All units are internally assessed and pupils will be awarded a pass or fail based upon their performance throughout the year.

National 5:

  • The Performance – spoken language is assessed in class on a pass/fail basis.

The course assessment will take the form of a portfolio which is submitted to the SQA and makes up 30% of the overall award and allows learners to demonstrate their writing skills and an exam which includes Reading for Understanding, Analysis and Evaluation (30%) and Critical Reading – including the Scottish set text (40%).

Progression Pathway:

National 5 C* – Subject to consideration of personal circumstances, including a view of faculty staff, alternative progression routes and the individual’s learner journey.