Modern Studies: Advanced Higher

Entry Requirements:

  • A or B at Higher Modern Studies (ideally National 5 or S3 Modern Studies too)
  • Good literacy skills are essential 

Course Content:

Unit 1: Social Issues: Law and Order and Social Research Methods Context A- Understanding criminal behaviour: 

  • Definitions, measurements and perceptions of crime. 
  • Contemporary relevance of theories of criminal behaviour. 
  • Social and economic impacts of criminal behaviour. 

B – Responses by society to crime: 

  • Contemporary relevance of theories of punishment. 
  • Preventative responses to crime. 
  • Criminal justice responses to crime. 

C – Research Methods:

  • Qualitative and quantitative social scientific research methodology. 
  • Source evaluation. 

Unit 2: Researching Contemporary Issues 

Pupils conduct independent primary and secondary research on a law and order topic, developing the investigative skills of planning, researching, analysing, and presentation through the production of a 5000 word dissertation. 


To gain a full award for this course, pupils must achieve all the component units of the course (internally assessed) as well as an external assessment. 

The external assessment comprises an externally set and assessed question paper and the dissertation.

Progression Pathway: 

  • University and college courses in Politics, Law, Psychology, Social Sciences
  • For more information about a wide range of higher education and career options, see Ms. Day.