Human Biology: Higher

Entry Requirements:

  • N5 Biology at grade A/B/C*

(N5 C* – Entry will be subject to consideration of personal circumstances, including views of faculty staff and the individual’s learner journey)

Course Content:

  • In Higher Human Biology, pupils study the topics of Human Cells, Physiology, Neurobiology and Immunology and Public Health.


  • Throughout the Higher Course, pupils are assessed throughout the year in the form of unit assessments, practical assessments and homework tasks. All sciences engage pupils through both theory and practical work.
  • The final grade for the Higher course is fully based on an external final examination.
  • Pupils are graded from A to D at Higher levels.

Progression Pathway:

  • Advanced Higher Human Biology. Pupils wishing to continue with their studies in Biology can undertake Advanced Higher in S6. The course consists of Cells and Proteins, Organisms and Evolution and Investigative Biology.