Photography: Higher

Recommended Entry Requirements:

  • National 5 Art and Design A–D is desirable but not essential.
  • Ideally students should be working at a minimum of National 5 English but check with the department if you have any questions.

An interest in photography and being willing to learn the technical and creative parts of the course is key. You will be building your own skills with the school cameras so the ability to work independently will be helpful. Ideally the Higher candidates will have some previous photography experience such as S3 Photography and/or NPA Photography but these are not essential.

Course Content:

  • The course starts with internally assessed projects designed to build basic camera skills and technical knowledge. The main externally assessed part of the course involves capturing your own theme using the school dSLR cameras and/or your own camera. Research and investigation of photographers, finding inspirational images and planning skills form the start of the folio. About 6-8 photoshoots are required with annotation and editing. Lastly, a final 8 photos will be selected and printed to showcase what you have learned technically over the course as well as your creative photography skills. The folio is an extremely rewarding process that allows candidates to build a body of work they can be really proud of.


  • The externally assessed folio is worth 100 marks (77%)
  • The question paper which assesses the candidate’s knowledge of photography is worth 30 marks. (23%)