Category Archives: Infomation

EAL Assessment

3.2 Children for whom English is not their home language

The communication skills of children for whom English is not their home language are not homogeneous. These children will be at different stages of learning English and one or more other languages. Learning English as an additional language is not a special educational need. Practitioners need to find out as much as they can about a child’s prior language experience and any education experienced elsewhere. Parents and carers, as the first educators, are an important source of information.

Underpinning the EYFS Profile assessment is the understanding that language is central to our sense of identity and belonging to a community, and that linguistic diversity is a strength that is recognised and valued.  Practitioners may need to share with parents the understanding that a child’s home language development will help them learn English.

Parents also need to know that it is perfectly acceptable, even desirable, for the child’s home language to be used in the school or setting. Practitioners will need to observe the child over time and raise questions with the parents, and/or bilingual support assistants, to be confident about what the child knows and understands.

There are three aspects specific to the assessment of children for whom English is not their home language:

·         development in their home language

·         development across areas of learning, assessed through their home language

·         development of English

Within the EYFS Profile the early learning goals for Communication and Language, and for Literacy, must be assessed in relation to the child’s competency in English. The remaining ELGs may be assessed in the context of any language – including the child’s home language and English.

This has implications for provision. The principles of good practice for children learning English are the principles of good practice for all children. Children must have opportunities to engage in activities and first hand experiences that do not depend solely on English for success, and where they can participate in ways that reveal what they know and can do in the security of their home language. For children to grow in confidence, and hence demonstrate their embedded learning, their environment must reflect their cultural and linguistic heritage and their learning be supported by a wide range of stimuli and experiences.”

Early Education

The British Association for Early Childhood Education

EAL in the Schools

Recognise the prior achievement of all children and their families and their contribution to school life and ethos. It should be ensured that an age appropriate placement is made in line with Authority procedures.

Language Line is an instant telephone interpretation service, adopted by Angus Council (for use in an emergency or for brief meetings telephone: 08452 777 778).

Anti-bullying policies and procedures for the reporting of racist incidents should be followed to.

Ensure that all pupils admitted to school from another country become registered with a doctor.

Use the appropriate HMIe Quality Indicators to ensure equality of opportunity for bilingual pupils to access the curriculum.