A couple of years ago, the library had the pleasure of hosting a Creative Writing Day with Edinburgh-based children’s author, Lari Don. It was a fantastic experience, very well received by pupils, and it created a real buzz about storytelling … Continue reading →
Found this on the WHSmith blog! It’s competition time for first years! “Those of you that joined in last year will be very excited to hear that the Jacqueline Wilson Creative Writing Prize is back for a second year! This … Continue reading →
Whom is often confused with who. What’s the difference between these two pronouns? Check out our latest Word Fact to find out! How do you decide which one to use? When in doubt, substitute him (sometimes you’ll have to … Continue reading →
If I ruled the world…Oh okay then, Scotland… So, you may have heard that the 44th President of the United States will be addressing philanthropy and business leaders at a dinner in Edinburgh on 26th May 2017 at the EICC. … Continue reading →
This opinion piece from Book Riot – In Defense of ‘Other Girls’ in YA – is definitely worth a read. It tackles the rather unpleasant trope of, ‘Not Like Other Girls‘. I have to say, this trope has always seemed … Continue reading →
Ever been shhh’d by me in the library and asked yourself, ‘Is the noise I’m making intrusive or obtrusive?’ No? Well, I bet you want to know now! To be intrusive is to involve oneself into the affairs of … Continue reading →
Opening lines are an important part of any piece of literature. A writer has to grab the attention of the reader with that first line or run the risk of them putting the book down. While that might sound a … Continue reading →