Clishmaclaver – Brechin High Library Blog

June 6, 2017
by Miss Stewart


Heh. 😀 I love The Awkward Yeti’s ‘Heart and Brain’ – and in this case, Gallbladder! – meme. See, to me, this is what Prof. Carol Dweck and Challenging Learning’s Growth Mindset learning model is all about. Yup. Art credit: … Continue reading

May 24, 2017
by Miss Stewart

Idiom of the Week!

Meaning: When someone puts themselves in a risky situation. “If someone goes out on a limb, they do something they strongly believe in even though it is risky or extreme, and is likely to fail or be criticized by other … Continue reading

May 8, 2017
by Miss Stewart

A year of #bookface…

Fun times at the National Library of Scotland; who said librarians were boring? “Here’s a selection of #bookfaces from over the past year (April 2016 onwards). We hope you enjoy looking at them as much as we enjoyed making them. Tell us … Continue reading

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