Read Parenting Across Scotland‘s tips for some advice on helping children make the move to high school or download the PDF file here. “This is an unsettling time for children. From being the big ones at primary school, they’re going to … Continue reading →
Looking for tips on how to engage your teenager with reading, and keep the reading habit? Make sure they see youreading! Why not read a book together? A lot of teen fiction is crossover, and appeals to both teenagers and adults. This article from For Reading Addicts is very useful if you are looking for some good ‘book recs’ to start the ball rolling.
Here’s a wee PowerPoint I made for our P7 Transition Parents’ Event last week. It’s packed full of sound advice I garnered from the Scottish Book Trust and World Book Day 2017.
Diary of a Brechin Kid! Clishmaclaver had great fun making comic diaries with our Brechin cluster primary pupils during their recent transition days. Tasked with storyboarding ideas about what might go wrong (or right!) on their first day … Continue reading →
The most wonderful P7 pupils from Brechin’s cluster primaries joined me in the library yesterday to create comics; ‘slam diaries’ about pupils’ transition to high school – their very own Diary of a Brechin Kid! Taking their inspiration from … Continue reading →