I’ll use any excuse to post pictures of my fave guys Hawkeye and Phil Coulson, and this, from Avengers Universe, will do nicely! Art credit: found at Avengers Universe
May 8, 2017
by Miss Stewart
May 8, 2017
by Miss Stewart
I’ll use any excuse to post pictures of my fave guys Hawkeye and Phil Coulson, and this, from Avengers Universe, will do nicely! Art credit: found at Avengers Universe
March 2, 2017
by Miss Stewart
Organisers say for 1 in 4 children their £1 World Book Day book will be the first book they ever own. This despite overwhelming evidence that book ownership and reading for pleasure improves attainment in learning, and financial success in … Continue reading
March 1, 2017
by Miss Stewart
Clishmaclaver found this on Facebook – ©epicstreams.com – and thought it would make for a great Form Time discussion! So, who would you pick? For me it’s going to have to be Phil Coulson from Agents of SHIELD (not that … Continue reading