Clishmaclaver – Brechin High Library Blog

March 6, 2017
by Miss Stewart

Why British children aren’t sleeping

…increasing dependence on technology, a more child-centred style of parenting, poor diet and the example set by an older generation, who work longer hours, come home later, and constantly check their phones. Continue reading

January 11, 2017
by Miss Stewart

School week shake-up

Good progress but concerns remain over Angus secondary school week shake-up by Graham Brown January 11 2017 © Read The Courier’s article on planned changes to our school week! 🙂 “Angus education chiefs have expressed confidence that the area’s four-and-a-half-day week for … Continue reading

January 5, 2017
by Miss Stewart

Olympics star Eilish McColgan wows pupils during Giant Heptathlon event

Check out this article from the end of 2016, from The Brechin Advertiser –  ” Eilish McColgan at Brechin Campus Two-times Olympic athlete and native of Angus, Eilish McColgan ( front centre ) was joined by around 90 pupils at Brechin Community … Continue reading

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