Clishmaclaver – Brechin High Library Blog

September 11, 2017
by Miss Stewart

Kingsman: The Red Diamond #Millarworld

Straight from the horse’s mouth! That’s to say, Mark Millar’s Millarworld: Kingsman: The Red Diamond and our Kingsman: The Secret Service reprint are both out from Image Comics this week. Check out one of the reviews of Red Diamond here … Continue reading

The Amazing @Frank_Quitely

September 1, 2017 by Miss Stewart | 0 comments

As promised, my photos from Wednesday’s comic launch for Frank Quitely, the alter ego of Scottish comic artist, Vincent Deighan. Apologies for the poor quality, folks. My hands were shaking as I was so excited about meeting Vincent, and seeing his original sketches for the Batman and Robin: Vol 1 Batman Reborn comic, amongst many other titles… 😉

Just so awe inspiring.! 🙂 What do you think?

I’ve never felt the urge to read Batman my entire life but, thanks to Frank Quitely’s jaw-droppingly dark and beautiful, linear, expressive, naturalistic style, here I am; fangirling over the Dynamic Duo…

Best known for his work with the writer, and fellow Scotsman, Grant Morrison. Throughout his career he has collaborated with Morrison on projects such as Batman, All-Star Superman, We3, New X-Men and Flex Mentallo. Quitely has a style that is unique with a slight grotesque element, which makes each character look more real and believable. This is done through the use of mostly fine line, which allows for plenty of detail. Additionally, the way he depicts a character’s posture and movement speaks volumes about them, allowing for an extra layer of personality.” – How to Love Comics

Art credit: all photos are mine; sketches by @Frank_Quitely; Batman and Robin are copyright DC Comics

This gallery contains 12 photos

September 1, 2017
by Miss Stewart

I’ll just leave this here, shall I? @Frank_Quitely @KelvingroveArt #Millarworld

I’m a very happy librarian. 😀 Art credit: Batman is copyright© 2017 DC Entertainment

Talking comics with Frank Quitely! #Millarworld

August 31, 2017 by Miss Stewart | 1 Comment

So, I was (fangirling my heart out) in the audience of last night’s wonderful book launch of the hugely talented Frank Quitely’s new #Millarworld comic – Jupiter’s Legacy, vol 2.

Comics publisher Millarworld (Mark Millar unfortunately couldn’t make it, but sent his apologies!) have produced an exclusive Kelvingrove cover edition which can only be purchased from the museum – with a very limited run of just 300 copies – and, oh yes peeps, I have a signed copy!!! 😀

What can I say? It was a fabulous evening. Frank Quitely is one hugely talented gentleman – and a wonderfully articulate, funny, gentle man. He signed all the books/comics I’d brought, even though I’d brought too many (Thank you, lovely museum lady too!), and was utterly charming.

So, photos from the evening/exhibition, and my review of Jupiter’s Legacy, to follow anon. 😉 In the meantime here’s a video of the full interview/Q&A session for your viewing pleasure. My elbow frequently features to the left side of screen! 😉

Photo credit: Glasgow Live; video found at: @Millarworld

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