Clishmaclaver – Brechin High Library Blog

April 10, 2017
by Miss Stewart

The Fish Whisperer..?

This Aquaman meme, from Marvel & DC Comics‘ Facebook feed, is timely – and hilarious! 😀 Make all the sushi jokes, YouTube spoofs, and SNL sketches you want, Aquaman’s been an icon for over seventy years. The King of the … Continue reading

April 6, 2017
by Miss Stewart

Slap the Joker: a meme..?

Iron Fist and Slapping the Joker: How not to Write Strong Female Characters – BookRiot Also known as, “But hey, she (ineffectually) fought off the Joker (who later killed her), right? So she’s feisty!” “A Slap the Joker Moment betrays a … Continue reading

February 23, 2017
by Miss Stewart

10 #Famous Memes Reimagined as YA Novels

Clishmaclaver found an epic article from Epic Reads on Facebook: “What if your favorite Internet memes came to life….as YA novels? How great/terrible/WTF would that be?” This has actually happened in read life; newly published YA novel ‘Famous’ by Jilly Gagnon … Continue reading

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