Clishmaclaver – Brechin High Library Blog

April 24, 2017
by Miss Stewart

If you love a thing…

Just had to do a big ‘shout out’ for one of our very talented 6th year pupil, Chloe D. As previously posted, Chloe created a wonderful piece of digital art for me based on Marvel’s Hawkeye – Because, Hawkeye! 😉Continue reading

April 20, 2017
by Miss Stewart

Crossing the Godzilla Threshold…

I’ve just received a press release – it doesn’t matter what for – that has listed all the different ways the world might end, based on scenarios from films, and how people have stated they would respond. It is stupid, and now I will explain why on a scenario-by-scenario basis. Continue reading

April 17, 2017
by Miss Stewart

My Love/Hate Relationship with Marvel Comics

Another readable blog from Booknerdlandia, this time focusing on issues of ‘gender’ in Marvel Comics, but also contributing to the on-going ‘diversity’ stooshie ignited by a recent Marvel press conference; as per previously discussed by Clishmaclaver. 😉 “…top editors and … Continue reading

From Gotham to Glasgow…

April 17, 2017 by Miss Stewart | 2 Comments

Image result for frank quitely art of comics kelvingrove

As previously posted, Clishmaclaver popped down to Kelvingrove Art Gallery and Museum’s exhibition, Frank Quitely: The Art of Comics, this Easter weekend – and it was every bit as good as anticipated. 😀 More than just a breathtaking portfolio of Quitely’s amazing skill and range, and the seldom seen craft – scripts, proof sheets and original sketches – of comic-making, “The Art of Comics also shows influence and context for this genre from the historical, with the universal structure of the heroic myth and the Scottish tradition of storytelling, through to the modern, with current affairs and technological development.” – Kelvingrove AGandM.

“Frank Quitely is the alter ego of Glasgow born artist Vincent Deighan. Deighan took on the mantle of Frank Quitely in his early career to hide his identity while he drew for the Scottish publication Electric Soup. Now the name Frank Quitely is synonymous with iconic characters such as Superman, Batman and the X-Men. A world renowned artist in hot demand he’s currently finishing off the epic story Jupiter’s Legacy with fellow Scottish comic book legend, writer Mark Millar.

The exhibition at Kelvingrove will be the largest collection of his work ever displayed. You can get up close and personal with the painstaking detail in every iconic frame. There will also be original artwork from titans of the comic book industry such as Frank Millar and Neal Adams as well as an original Batman comic strip by Batman creator Bob Kane. And of course the exhibition wouldn’t be complete without including the strip that inspired it all, The Broons!” – Kelvingrove AGandM.

I just loved this exhibition! It is an absolutely mesmerising display of the development of Quitely’s unique style, curated across an array of the most famous comic book characters of all time: Batman and Robin, Superman, Judge Dredd, Wonder Woman, The X-Men, etc. It was a shock for me to discover that Quitely had even illustrated a ‘Destiny’ story for Neil Gaiman’s The Sandman: Endless Nights graphic novel, back in 2003! 😮 I read – and loved – all the Sandman comics back in the day, but that Gaiman was included in Quitely’s body of work just hadn’t clicked with me!

And, I confess I made use of the gallery’s superhero props (!) to pose for photos, but I’m definitely not sharing any of those here! 😀

Frank Quitely: The Art of Comics is on until October. If you’ve got the time and means to go see it, I highly recommend it to you. You don’t have to be a comic book aficionado to get a lot of pleasure out of viewing this exhibition – or engaging with the interactive digital displays that accompany it –  you just have to be someone who appreciates art, and storytelling. Oh, and maybe The Broons too!

Art credit: The Daily Record; The Evening Express; a mate’s camera! 😉

@Kelvin.GlasgowMuseums  @KelvingroveArt

April 6, 2017
by Miss Stewart

Slap the Joker: a meme..?

Iron Fist and Slapping the Joker: How not to Write Strong Female Characters – BookRiot Also known as, “But hey, she (ineffectually) fought off the Joker (who later killed her), right? So she’s feisty!” “A Slap the Joker Moment betrays a … Continue reading

April 6, 2017
by Miss Stewart

The real value of comics diversity…

This, from Vox, shares rare insights into the current Marvel/diversity debate [Bleeding Cool’s aggregation of the interview — “Marvel’s David Gabriel On Sales Slump: People ‘Didn’t Want Any More Diversity,’ ‘Didn’t Want Female Characters’” — went viral] and how we … Continue reading

April 5, 2017
by Miss Stewart

Further to previous rant…

Do read the following articles on this incendiary issue – for me anyway! 😉 – of female characters and diversity in comics; they’re both excellent reads! 🙂 Marvel VP Blames Dwindling Comics Sales on Female Characters and “Diversity” – Slate … Continue reading

April 5, 2017
by Miss Stewart

Wait, what?

Marvel’s vice president of sales has blamed declining comic-book sales on the studio’s efforts to increase diversity and female characters, saying that readers “were turning their noses up” at diversity and “didn’t want female characters out there . Oh, reeeaaally? This … Continue reading

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