Clishmaclaver – Brechin High Library Blog

Talking comics with Frank Quitely! #Millarworld

August 31, 2017 by Miss Stewart | 1 Comment

So, I was (fangirling my heart out) in the audience of last night’s wonderful book launch of the hugely talented Frank Quitely’s new #Millarworld comic – Jupiter’s Legacy, vol 2.

Comics publisher Millarworld (Mark Millar unfortunately couldn’t make it, but sent his apologies!) have produced an exclusive Kelvingrove cover edition which can only be purchased from the museum – with a very limited run of just 300 copies – and, oh yes peeps, I have a signed copy!!! 😀

What can I say? It was a fabulous evening. Frank Quitely is one hugely talented gentleman – and a wonderfully articulate, funny, gentle man. He signed all the books/comics I’d brought, even though I’d brought too many (Thank you, lovely museum lady too!), and was utterly charming.

So, photos from the evening/exhibition, and my review of Jupiter’s Legacy, to follow anon. 😉 In the meantime here’s a video of the full interview/Q&A session for your viewing pleasure. My elbow frequently features to the left side of screen! 😉

Photo credit: Glasgow Live; video found at: @Millarworld

March 28, 2017
by Miss Stewart

Graphically good

22 Beautiful Graphic Novels That Will Make You Fall In Love With The Genre – BuzzFeed Are you a newcomer to graphic novels? A bit lost as to where to start with this diverse, dynamic genre? I came across this post … Continue reading

March 7, 2017
by Miss Stewart

Tamra Bonvillain: The Difference a Colourist Makes

As you may have gathered Clishmaclaver loves comics! 😀 I recently read this enlightening article on Book Riot about the crucial, if often overlooked, role of the colourist in the creative process of comic-making. The article revolves around an interview with … Continue reading

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