I’m a very happy librarian. Art credit: Batman is copyright© 2017 DC Entertainment
The Amazing @Frank_Quitely
September 1, 2017 by Miss Stewart | 0 comments

As promised, my photos from Wednesday’s comic launch for Frank Quitely, the alter ego of Scottish comic artist, Vincent Deighan. Apologies for the poor quality, folks. My hands were shaking as I was so excited about meeting Vincent, and seeing his original sketches for the Batman and Robin: Vol 1 Batman Reborn comic, amongst many other titles…
Just so awe inspiring.! What do you think?
I’ve never felt the urge to read Batman my entire life but, thanks to Frank Quitely’s jaw-droppingly dark and beautiful, linear, expressive, naturalistic style, here I am; fangirling over the Dynamic Duo…
“Best known for his work with the writer, and fellow Scotsman, Grant Morrison. Throughout his career he has collaborated with Morrison on projects such as Batman, All-Star Superman, We3, New X-Men and Flex Mentallo. Quitely has a style that is unique with a slight grotesque element, which makes each character look more real and believable. This is done through the use of mostly fine line, which allows for plenty of detail. Additionally, the way he depicts a character’s posture and movement speaks volumes about them, allowing for an extra layer of personality.” – How to Love Comics
Art credit: all photos are mine; sketches by @Frank_Quitely; Batman and Robin are copyright DC Comics
This gallery contains 12 photos