Continuing with the theme of involving parents in their offsprings’ reading journeys (See my last post! ), this month’s Long Read is a 2016 article from, The Independent: Does spending too much time on Smartphones and tablets damage kids’ … Continue reading →
I really liked this post from the Scottish Book Trust about why our libraries are more important than ever in the digital age: Providing community access to digital opportunities; enabling people to engage meaningfully in our digital world; facilitating … Continue reading →
“The internet has changed or ‘rewired’ the way in which our brains take up information.” This is a statement according to various researchers. Continue reading →
To be interesting and relevant in a lecture, teachers need to ask questions and experiment, not provide solutions and results. Unfortunately, PowerPoint is designed to provide just that. Continue reading →
The library now has eight Acer Chromebooks available for loan to staff. Loans are for one week in the first instance. See JG or Miss Stewart for more information!