Clishmaclaver – Brechin High Library Blog

September 11, 2017
by Miss Stewart

Kingsman: The Red Diamond #Millarworld

Straight from the horse’s mouth! That’s to say, Mark Millar’s Millarworld: Kingsman: The Red Diamond and our Kingsman: The Secret Service reprint are both out from Image Comics this week. Check out one of the reviews of Red Diamond here … Continue reading

It’s a bacon thing… #maisondieu #Alt_Fairytales #BigBadWolf

September 5, 2017 by Miss Stewart | 0 comments


Maisondieu Primary 7 pupils get to grips with ‘narrative voice’ and ‘point of view’ by assuming the roles of Reporter and Big Bad Wolf, as per Jon Scieszka’s hilarious alternative fairytale, The True Story of the Three Little Pigs. 🙂

Part of Brechin High School’s transition work with cluster primaries, the library has been visiting Maisondieu Primary to work with Mrs Bathgate’s amazing P7s on various group work-based writing prompts. We plan to adapt Scieszka’s book into a play next, and stage a performance. Watch this Space! 😀

I’ve been having SO much fun doing these literacy-based lessons. And I mustn’t forget to mention senior pupil Chris G., who has been on hand to help out as my glamorous assistant; part of his Senior Responsibility obligations.

So anyway, apparently the wolf was framed; it’s all ‘fake news’, and the little pigs were already gonners when he ate them. Hey, don’t judge; as the P7s told me this morning – it’s a bacon thing! 😀

Thanks for having us, Maisondieu! See you next week. 😉

This gallery contains 5 photos

August 4, 2017
by Miss Stewart

Under my umbrella, ella ella eh eh eh…

So, this ‘book rec’ app from Penguin Teen is really sweet – Pick an Umbrella, Get a Book Recommendation! Cute! 😀 Btw, the image is from a lovely little animated Pixar film called, The Blue Umbrella, in turn based upon an … Continue reading

June 6, 2017
by Miss Stewart
1 Comment

Kids need to be heard…

The Show That Forced A Worldwide Conversation About Teen Suicide How suicide is depicted onscreen for young audiences has become one of the most debated topics of the year. The writers, directors, and mental health experts behind 13 Reasons Why, … Continue reading

June 6, 2017
by Miss Stewart

The Captain is in (the cinema)

Perennial favourite of toilet humour obsessed, pre-teen, reluctant readers, Captain Underpants, gets the DreamWorks treatment, and unsuspecting cinema audiences are ‘woke’ to his subversive, celluloid silliness. See what I did there? 😉 This gushing (Wait, is that rude?) review from … Continue reading

May 4, 2017
by Miss Stewart

New Kingsman Comic Book

If you were a big fan of the 2015 spy caper, Kingsman, you’ll no doubt be looking forward to the imminent release of, Kingsman: Golden Circle. Did you know that Harry and Eggsy’s screen adventures are adapted from a comic, … Continue reading

April 24, 2017
by Miss Stewart

Ask the question: 13 Reasons Why

13 Reasons Why is the latest Netflix show everyone is obsessed with. Whilst it’s received a lot of praise for its diversity, for flipping the silent dead-girl trope, and for its overarching message to be kinder to others, there is a growing number of people who are criticising the show’s troubling portrayal of youth suicide and the risk it poses to vulnerable viewers. – Buzzfeed Continue reading

A timely tale..?

March 24, 2017 by Miss Stewart | 0 comments

The full trailer for Hulu’s adaptation of The Handmaid’s Tale is finally out! Initial feedback is that it looks really good. There’s never been a better time to read the original book; do it now before you see this new adaptation! Any fans of Margaret Atwood’s dystopian novel can now get officially very excited! 😉

“The trailer starts by teasing the viewer about how nobody saw the dystopia coming before it happened; mentions of the destruction of Congress and the constitution leave us at the edge of our seats. Doubt it? Watch the whole thing below and tell us what you think in the comments!” – BookRiot

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