Clishmaclaver – Brechin High Library Blog

March 2, 2017
by Miss Stewart

Do something booky today!

Organisers say for 1 in 4 children their £1 World Book Day book will be the first book they ever own. This despite overwhelming evidence that book ownership and reading for pleasure improves attainment in learning, and financial success in … Continue reading

February 27, 2017
by Miss Stewart

Do Something Booky…

Looking for ideas for how to celebrate World Book Day 2017? Do something booky in school! What is suspense? How do you make people laugh? Famous writers explain their craft in these enlightening videos on World Book Day’s website.

February 27, 2017
by Miss Stewart

Two days to go..!

…until World Book Day 2017! 😀 HOW TO USE YOUR £1 BOOK TOKEN Thanks to National Book Tokens and lots of lovely book publishers and booksellers, World Book Day, in partnership with schools all over the country, will be distributing … Continue reading

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