Today, Netflix will start streaming To The Bone: a harrowing, funny and ultimately uplifting tale about one young woman’s recovery from anorexia. But does it risk glamourising the illness? Read this topical article from The Day, and decide for yourself. … Continue reading →
I’d been looking into extra-curricular activities, and ways to improve library provision of opportunities for pupils to develop skills outwith the classroom, when I came across this fun article on FB: Did Harry Potter’s extracurricular activities land him a job … Continue reading →
Came across this very interesting video via The Day’s weekly round up. Click here to find out Why You Need an Early Night, and to access the associated learning activities.
So what do you think? Is sleep the most important cause of the world’s problems?
The Show That Forced A Worldwide Conversation About Teen Suicide How suicide is depicted onscreen for young audiences has become one of the most debated topics of the year. The writers, directors, and mental health experts behind 13 Reasons Why, … Continue reading →
Looks innocent enough, non? Where do you stand on the greatest debate of our lunchtime: fidget toys – to spin or not to spin! Originally designed for children with autism, anxiety and/or ADD/ADHD, to increase focus and control fidgeting, … Continue reading →
If I ruled the world…Oh okay then, Scotland… So, you may have heard that the 44th President of the United States will be addressing philanthropy and business leaders at a dinner in Edinburgh on 26th May 2017 at the EICC. … Continue reading →
This opinion piece from Book Riot – In Defense of ‘Other Girls’ in YA – is definitely worth a read. It tackles the rather unpleasant trope of, ‘Not Like Other Girls‘. I have to say, this trope has always seemed … Continue reading →
Entrepreneur Jimmy Wales has launched Wikitribune, a collaboration between journalists and citizens that will put facts first. But in the age of fake news, can facts really change our minds? – The Day As ever, I highly recommend reading The … Continue reading →
13 Reasons Why is the latest Netflix show everyone is obsessed with. Whilst it’s received a lot of praise for its diversity, for flipping the silent dead-girl trope, and for its overarching message to be kinder to others, there is a growing number of people who are criticising the show’s troubling portrayal of youth suicide and the risk it poses to vulnerable viewers. – Buzzfeed Continue reading →
Top: Julia G. delivering her talk to Maisondieu Primary pupils; Bottom: LtoR (Back row): Sadie S; Halle B; Brooke G; Kayley D. (Front row) Dana M; Gwen O.
The culmination of a school collaboration with The Anne Frank Trust UK, sees 3rd year history pupils from Brechin Community Campus curate the trust’s highly acclaimed, “Anne Frank: A History For Today” Exhibition. Pupils have been trained to be Peer Guides – an intensive, day-long workshop presented by Eilidh Lean of The Anne Frank Trust, equipped pupils to present talks on themes such as, Understanding Prejudice; Responsibility and Resistance; The Historical Context of the Holocaust; Human Rights; Identity and Diversity. Pupils will be delivering guided tours of the exhibit throughout its two week long installation on campus; until Friday 28th April.
Today, two classes of youngsters from Maisondieu Primary School came to visit, and the feedback received was excellent!
The Anne Frank Schools Programme takes the poignant messages of Anne’s life and diary and helps students understand the damage caused by prejudice and hatred. It helps young people:
Increase their knowledge of Anne Frank and the Holocaust.
Understand the consequences of unchecked prejudice and discrimination.
Explore, understand, respect and celebrate cultural diversity.
Learn more about themselves and their local community.
Increase their confidence, as they develop their literacy and presentation skills.
Develop respect for others.
Principle Teacher of Social Subjects, Ralph Coates, said of the Schools Programme, “I’m delighted to have this opportunity for our pupils to promote key societal themes of tolerance and diversity, and share understanding of the dangers of prejudice. The programme is designed to share the messages of Anne’s story within our local community and empower participating pupils, giving them key transferable skills.”