The lovely World Book Day (UK & Ireland) people have posted your chance to WIN a copy of Roald Dahl’s Billy & the Minpins, illustrated & signed by the brilliant Quentin Blake. What are you waiting for? This brand new edition of … Continue reading →
So, I was (fangirling my heart out) in the audience of last night’s wonderful book launch of the hugely talented Frank Quitely’s new #Millarworld comic – Jupiter’s Legacy, vol 2.
Comics publisher Millarworld (Mark Millar unfortunately couldn’t make it, but sent his apologies!) have produced an exclusive Kelvingrove cover edition which can only be purchased from the museum – with a verylimited run of just 300 copies – and, oh yes peeps, I have a signed copy!!!
What can I say? It was a fabulous evening. Frank Quitely is one hugely talented gentleman – and a wonderfully articulate, funny, gentle man. He signed all the books/comics I’d brought, even though I’d brought too many (Thank you, lovely museum lady too!), and was utterly charming.
So, photos from the evening/exhibition, and my review of Jupiter’s Legacy, to follow anon. In the meantime here’s a video of the full interview/Q&A session for your viewing pleasure. My elbow frequently features to the left side of screen!
Parents, curious about your screenager’s digital life in the opaque, netherworld of fandom? Perhaps this article from Book Riot will shed some light? FANDOM ACCORDING TO YA LIT Because, if you love a thing… Art credit: taken from: ScreenagersNowRuleOk
Do I share too much of my child’s life online? “The first “social media babies” are turning 13! Their childhoods have been shared online by their families- and they’re not always happy about it. As the babies born since the … Continue reading →
Clishmaclaver loves How to Geek because embracing our inner Geek whilst reading is a perfect pairing, always worth celebrating! “The Kindle is a fantastic reading device, but it’s almost entirely reliant upon Amazon’s closed retail system for buying books. That’s … Continue reading →
Our ‘long read’ for Friday is this thought-provoking Guardian article by Australian crime writer, J.M. Green: From Wonder Woman to Spirited Away: what really makes a superhero? “Hollywood firmly believes in superheroes who fulfil male adolescent fantasies of aggression and … Continue reading →