Why the future of UK libraries is in the ‘connection, not the collection’
“Far from dying out in this age of technology, libraries are going from strength to strength – but they have had to adapt in order to stay relevant.”
With Libraries Week fast approaching (Monday 9 to Saturday 14 October 2017) this is an interesting article from iNews that speculates on the continued evolution of libraries, and how,“Architects and interior designers will play a key role in the transformation of public libraries, from a warehouse for books into a gathering space for people.” Lindley argues that the key is “creating interactive, collaborative and participative spaces for people to come together and work together, learn together, and access a variety of materials and resources – not just borrow books.”
Hmm, not exactly epiphany-making stuff – Libraries haven’t been about ‘just’ borrowing books for a long time – but I’d agree that the role of good design in the creation of truly, ‘collaborative and participative spaces for people to come together,’ is critical to success.
Photo credit: found at: iNews