Maisondieu Primary 7 pupils get to grips with ‘narrative voice’ and ‘point of view’ by assuming the roles of Reporter and Big Bad Wolf, as per Jon Scieszka’s hilarious alternative fairytale, The True Story of the Three Little Pigs.
Part of Brechin High School’s transition work with cluster primaries, the library has been visiting Maisondieu Primary to work with Mrs Bathgate’s amazing P7s on various group work-based writing prompts. We plan to adapt Scieszka’s book into a play next, and stage a performance. Watch this Space!
I’ve been having SO much fun doing these literacy-based lessons. And I mustn’t forget to mention senior pupil Chris G., who has been on hand to help out as my glamorous assistant; part of his Senior Responsibility obligations.
So anyway, apparently the wolf was framed; it’s all ‘fake news’, and the little pigs were already gonners when he ate them. Hey, don’t judge; as the P7s told me this morning – it’s a bacon thing!
Thanks for having us, Maisondieu! See you next week.