So, the other week, when the normally ‘cred’ obsessed teenagers in my library all started scrambling for the safe higher ground – ie, the modular library seating – to spontaneous shrieks of, “The floor is lava!”, I thought nothing of it. To be honest I was actually rather impressed with their inventiveness, imagination and independence of thought. Ha! Silly me.
Not to put a downer on things (Much!) but it’s just so…meh; that this is just another internet craze, social media ‘challenge,’ fad, whathaveyou… Am I just getting old?
For me, playing The Foor is Lava, transports me back to a time when I sat transfixed, watching Brian Cant on Play School and – as The Guardian so beautifully puts it – listened to him tell, “the stories of Trumpton without cynicism or irony.” Oh yes. Could anyone who lived it ever forget,“Pugh, Pugh, Barney McGrew, Cuthbert, Dibble, Grubb”?
The wonderful Mr Cant has, of course, sadly just died. For anyone wishing to read a fitting tribute, I would heartily recommend the aforementioned Guardian article.
I vividly recall how programmes like Play School and the Trumptonshire trilogy – Camberwick Green, Trumpton and Chigley – and Cant’s mesmerising voice, served as a springboard into imagination play activities, like The Floor is Lava. Because imagination was king.
Is this why I don’t find the current reboot of my childhood game remotely funny, not now that I know it’s just another Instagram/Snapchat challenge? Is it the lack of imagination, of self-driven creativity that bothers me? I’m sure I’m as much of a ‘sheeple’ as the next person so it’s not disdain I’m feeling; not exactly…
Whatever the truth of it, I just wanted to say, thank you, Mr Cant. For the stories, the memories – and for my abiding belief in imagination.
Art credit: Thor is © 2017 MARVEL ; image found at