Graphic Novels Are “Real” Reading
Ah, a fellow librarian after my own heart.
This ‘shout out’ from Book Riot is American-themed, yes, but still highly pertinent for our own Angus-based Summer Reading Programmes – ANGUSAlive’s Join The Big Friendly Read – and other national reading drives like BookBug, etc.
So, how to avoid the Summer learning loss, or the “summer slide” (as it is referred to in this article), namely, children’s loss of knowledge and academic skills over the long summer period?
READ. READ. READ. That’s how.
Don’t be fussy about what your child/teen reads, and don’t write off comics and graphic novels as having less literary merit than novels. The key to developing a successful, sustainable, reading culture at school and at home is Reading for Pleasure. Every time.
Art credit: © 2017 DC Entertainment