I really liked this post from the Scottish Book Trust about why our libraries are more important than ever in the digital age: http://bit.ly/LibrariesDigitalFuture.
Providing community access to digital opportunities; enabling people to engage meaningfully in our digital world; facilitating retraining; running Code Clubs, etc.
“Some say that because of the internet and smartphones, libraries and librarians are no longer needed. This could not be further from the truth. With 20% of households in Scotland not having access to the internet and 30% of the population not having essential digital skills, people need both digital and information literacy skills. Knowing how to use a computer is not enough, people need to be able to understand the information they find online, evaluate it and use it effectively.” – Sean McNamara. Policy and Digital officer, CILIP
I mean, I know, right? What he said! Or am I biased..? 
What do you think, peeps?
Art credit: found at https://oxfest.files.wordpress.com