Clishmaclaver – Brechin High Library Blog

6 Gateway Comics for Noobies!


Like the idea of trying a comic but don’t know where to start with this vast, sprawling medium; full of story-arcs and mini runs? 😮 This article from Book Riot’s Booknerdlandia opens a window into some top notch, well-written – award winning, in fact! – comics of substance. For the most part the titles rec’d are more graphic novels than comics, I would suggest, and they’re certainly not wall-to-wall with superheroes, but if you fancy a more mature, ahem, quiet read, then do try these ‘gateway‘ recs! 🙂

Gateway? What’s that? Meaning you will be able to pick it up without having read any other comic before, and with no prior knowledge of the characters. This is the golden rule. (A lot of these gateway picks will be first volumes of trades, but not always.) – Macmillan’s Tor Books

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Art credit: © 2017 Macmillan

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