Clishmaclaver is currently reading Silver Skin, by Joan Lennon. An, “intriguing read spanning several genres which has been shortlisted for The Scottish Teenage Book Prize 2017.” – The Scottish Book Trust. (The winner will be announced today, peeps, so watch this space!
) I’m really enjoying it so far. I hail from the far North of Scotland – not quite Orkney but close! – so I grew up reading the local folklore about selkies and, when I was very young, actually believing they were real!
So anyway, the Word of the Week is ‘Nadir’, as this word takes on key importance in Joan Lennon’s fantastic story…
The lowest or most unsuccessful point in a situation.
‘Asking that question was the nadir of my career’Synonyms: the lowest point, the all-time low, the lowest level, low-water mark, the bottom, as low as one can get, rock-bottom, the depths;In Astronomy:
The point on the celestial sphere directly below an observer; the opposite of zenith