Clishmaclaver, aka, Miss Stewart – your comic-loving librarian – would be the first to admit she has a serious Hawkeye obsession. Evidence collected from her office – her bag, her pen cup, her Funko Pop™ bobblehead…
– speaks for itself.
It was the most amazing surprise then to receive a gift of original artwork from S6 pupil, Chloe D., this morning: an absolutely fantastic portrait of the man himself – Clint Barton, the Amazing Hawkeye! WOW!!!
Click on the photo for a ‘close up’ of Chloe’s beautiful drawing.
I say drawing; I’m not actually sure what software this is rendered in… It. Is. Fantastic. Isn’t it?!! Chloe is a very talented young woman, and I’m sure her current skill level is the result of years of honing her craft – and reading comics!
Chloe has referenced Matt Fraction’s critically acclaimed reboot of Hawkeye – my favourite incarnation of this most endearingly human of Marvel superheroes – cocky smile, sticking plasters and all! I just love Chloe’s angular, sketchy, linear style. Inclusion of the arrow motif – used to great effect in the Fraction comics – is a very sophisticated device, echoing the ‘high rises’ of the New York cityscape Clint calls home. Again, WOW!!!
Thank you, Chloe.
“Okay… This looks bad.
You cowboy around with the Avengers some. Guys got, what, armor. Magic. Super-powers. Super-strength. Shrink-dust. Grow-rays. Magic. Healing factors. I’m an orphan raised by carnies fighting with a stick and a string from the Paleolithic era.
So when I say this looks “bad”?
I promise you it feels worse.”
― Matt Fraction, Hawkeye #1