So where do you stand on the great debate? Did you love or hate series 4 of the hugely successful BBC drama Sherlock – and the now infamous final (?) episode?
Critics mostly hated it – but are they always right? Read this opinion piece from The Day, which presents both sides of the argument – there are hyperlinks to additional reading and suggested activities too! – and make up your own mind.
Click on the image for full article!
Clishmaclaver is ‘old school’ when it comes to her hero, Holmes. I’ve loved the original Conan Doyle stories since childhood but I find BBC writers’ – Mark Gatiss, Steven Moffat, and Stephen Thompson – take on things too light on Sherlockian deductive reasoning and too heavy on ‘soap opera’. I really enjoyed this review from The Economist , which probably comes closest to my line of thinking; I’ve likewise bemoaned the ‘soap operafication’ of James Bond in an earlier blog – Literary Bonds..? – so I feel vindicated!
Photo credit: ©BBC, 2016
Taken from:, 2017