Deadpool V Gambit: the “V” is for “VS” by Ben Acker , Ben Blacker , Danilo Beyruth
[Collecting #1-5]
“Dynamic art and hilarious writing” –
“Gambit-one of the smoothest, best-looking operators in the world of the X-Men. Deadpool-one of the most annoying, ugliest dirtbags in the world of everything. Naturally, these guys got beef. But do you know what they have in common? A secret history of working together to pull con-jobs. That’s right-the grift is on as the Regeneratin’ Degenerate and the Ragin’ Cajun begrudgingly take on one last job together…“
If you’re after slick, idealised art, with selfless heroes battling the odds for noble causes, well, don’t read this!
The drawing style has been described as, “kinetic and off-the-wall gritty,” which is apt, I think. The narrative is non-linear, making for an unusual structure to the comic which some may find off-putting but, really, it’s not that difficult to follow.
Some may lament an excess of ‘plot’ (a ludicrous heist, magical kung fu, minor Marvel characters getting to shine – Fat Cobra! The Scrambler! – Norse cosmology, etc.) in lieu of real character development – the writers never really mine the potential depths of Deadpool and Gambit’s relationship – and readers may legitimately feel let down by the latter’s depiction.
Where Deadpool is on top form and the plot happily partners itself to his trademark antics and witty “meta references”; from visual jokes about current hit Broadway musical ‘Hamilton’ to toying with the reader’s suspension of disbelief – asides to the reader, observing that Gambit will never get his own feature film, and – Clishmaclaver’s personal favourite – Fourth Wall ‘breaks’ such as when he uses the comic’s own text boxes as shields when fighting a foe – Wade’s observations are, as ever, en pointe.
What’s become of the X-Men’s handsome, smooth talking – “hypnotically charming” – Cajun-accented Remy LeBeau, though? Aside from his trademark red eyes there’s little here to appeal to Gambit’s not inconsiderable fan base. Still…
“V” is for “VS” may never reach the heights of, say, ‘Hawkeye Vs Deadpool’ – a previous Clishmaclaver Book of the Month – but if Gambit is ‘short changed’ in this comic outing at least there is banter and jokes aplenty.
“Ow! Come on! Like ‘splodin’ Rice Krispies. You are – Ow! – so dead!” – Wade
“Wade looks like someone put a face on a thumb and then stuck the thumb in a deep fryer.” – Remy
Clishmaclaver rating: 7/10