Clishmaclaver – Brechin High Library Blog

Secrets & Confessions: Get the Book! – Scottish Book Trust


We all have secrets. Would you share yours?

Pugging school. Coming out. Accidentally becoming a killer. The people of Scotland confess to their deepest secrets; acts they regret, childhood adventures, or simply something they want to get off their chests.

These revelations are by turns touching, alarming, macabre and funny.

With stories from the Scottish public plus well-known writers including Renita Boyle, Juno Dawson and Billy Letford, this is an absorbing read tinged with humour, scandal and thought-provoking moments.A present from us to you to celebrate Book Week Scotland 2016, we hope the stories inside will touch your heart, lift your spirits and inspire you.

Collect your FREE COPY from the library today!


Source: Secrets & Confessions: Get the Book! – Scottish Book Trustbws

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