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Rights Respecting School Committee 18-19

Welcome back to our Rights Respecting School Committee 18-19 Blog

Below is a short update from our current committee.

As a school we are trying to get the Silver Award by making sure the whole school know their rights and responsibilities. We are also creating a school charter that shows a few rights we think are important. We will try to upload on the Rights Respecting School blog at least once a term, finalise our charter with the Academy pupils and create a video about our school showing we have access to our rights.

By Deji


Wall Display

The RRS Committee met today, Thursday 30 November, to plan our wall display for the library. We decided on the buildings and scenery we would like to include in our display. We allocated a task to each  year group which will be added to the display in the library. It will also include the rights we are following, and will be a work in progress as we learn about different rights they will then be added to the scene.

Pupil members took an information sheet, and an example of the size of paper needed to create their task on, to each class from nursery to P7.

Keep looking in the library for our display developing!

RRS Meeting 12.10.17

Please see below the poster, our pupil members of the RRS Committee made, to represent Article 19 of the UN Convention on the rights of the child. Copies of the poster have been distributed by pupils to all classes and displayed on our noticeboard too.

We also welcomed our new P1 member – Ailsa MacDonald to our Committee. Ailsa was put forward by her class (1L)  and then voted for by the committee members. Well done Ailsa!

Our next meeting is to be arranged after the holidays.

Committee Meeting 14.09.17

We had our first meeting of the term today and decided we would need to recruit a P1 pupil member. Miss McKay is to contact P1 teachers and ask for a pupil, nominated by their peers,  who can go forward to be voted onto the RRS committee as the P1 representative.

Pupils have been asked to look at the UNICEF RRS information booklet and choose their three top articles to bring to our next meeting. As a group we will vote for the top article and the pupil members will then be asked to design a poster to explain it to the rest of the school.

Next Meeting  – Thursday 21 September at 9.45am

Thursday 27 April

We had a very successful committee meeting today where we all received our badges and as a group decided on our Aims.

All pupil members of the committee are to look for a picture on the UNICEF website that they would like included on our Aims Poster.

Pupils may draw, print or bring an electronic copy of their picture to our next meeting when we will design our poster.

Copies of the poster will be displayed on our notice board and pupil members will share it with their class.

Our next meeting will take place on Friday 5 May at 2pm in the Green Unit.