What Our RRS Committee Think

We asked our committee what they think one thing  adults in our school do already to respect the rights of a child and one thing  pupils in our school already do to to respect the rights of a child. Here is what they said …

‘I think adults and pupils respect children’s rights in many ways but one that stands out is how children are not bullied buy skin colour and religion.’

‘I think adults respect children by staying 2 meters apart every day at drop off and pupils respect children by helping them in problems.’

‘I think adults respect us by keeping us safe and by keeping the school a safe place and we respect our rights by not leaving people out and being kind.’

‘I think that adults respect us because they share all the information and logic.’

‘I think adults in our school help kids to be the best that they can be. Children in our school help each other when they get hurt or feel sad.’

‘I think adults encourage children to try their best no matter what.’

‘I think that adults in the school respect our rights because they let us have an opinion.’


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