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World of Work Week

Today, Christer Fjellroth an engineer visited P7. He spoke to the pupils about his job and about the key skills any job would require. He spoke too about his journey to becoming an engineer. He set the pupils a task of building a table from 10 sheets of A4 paper. They then tested them to see who’s was the strongest.

Peter Vardy

Primary 7 would like to say a huge thank you to Peter Vardy for donating an overwhelming amount of money to fund their bus to Ardeonaig.

All Primary 7 pupils wrote letters to local businesses asking for some donations to help fund their bus to Ardeonaig. Usually the Primary 7 pupils would go bag packing in large supermarkets but due to changes in their polices this was not possible.

The pupils are very excited!

P5-7 Showcase- I’m an Engineer, I Can Help Here!

Primary 5-7 have been learning about flooding to help them become more resilient if such an event should happen. Primary 5- 7 pupils joined together today to showcase their learning from throughout the week. At the beginning of the week all of the pupils had been  finding out about flood risks in their local area. All classes completed a variety of tasks linked to flooding. They came under the categories; Be Aware, Be Prepared and Know How to Act. Some classes designed and created; flood emergency kits, rain gauges, rain alarms, pulley systems, water pumps, water filters, bridges, rafts, shelters and lights.

A Primary 5 pupil said, “I learned that sand would be used to stop water from getting in because it doesn’t drain well. Parks might use stones because they drain water the best.”

A Primary 6 pupil said, “My favourite activity was building a raft and getting to test it outside.”

A Primary 7 pupil said, “I learned that you need a valve and suction to pump water out using a plastic bottle.”


I’m an Engineer, I Can Help Here!

Primary 5-7 have been learning about flooding to help them become more resilient if such an event should happen. Primary 7 were finding out about flood risks in their local area. They then went on to learn how pulley systems could be used to move large items. They completed some experiments to find out about the load and effort. They then learned how to make water pumps, to pump out water. They also completed some experiments to find out about valves and suction. Finally they had to build a bridge to allow amenities to get into a trapped village. They had to think very carefully of it’s structure.




Primary 7 were learning about types of plants. They were able to identify their similarities, differences and uses of plants.

WW2 Newspapers

Prinary 7G were looking at World War 2 newspapers during writing today. They were using the newspapers to find out how they were structured and for ideas for newspaper titles and headlines. The pupils have been learning about the evacuation of Dunkirk. Primary 7G have written very informative newspaper articles about it inspired by the World War 2 newspapers.