P2 CLIC Targets Week Beginning 21.9.20


Reading numbers– I can read the numbers 11-20.

Remember to:

  • Say what you see! (11, 12, 13, 14, 15)
  • Say the units digit first 
  • Say ‘teen’ for ‘ten’ (14, 16, 17,18,19)

Learn Its- 1+2, 2+3

It’s Nothing New-

Doubling and Halving: I can double 1 digit numbers. ‘Double 4 is 8’

Remember to: learn that double…

  • 1 is 2
  • 2 is 4
  • 3 is 6
  • 4 is 8


I add the right number and can count how many altogether.

Remember to:

  • Count how many objects you have
  • See how many need adding
  • Count out how many you are going to add
  • Add each one carefully 
  • Count how many there are altogether

Happy Birthday Wiktor!

It’s Wiktor’s Birthday! We hope you have a wonderful day!

Happy birthday to you,
On this your special day.
We’re so glad to share it with you,
To bring gifts, eat cake and play.

We hope you have a great time,
And that all your wishes come true.
Because we don’t know anyone who deserves
A happier birthday than you!

Happy Birthday Brandon!

It’s Brandon’s Birthday! We hope you have a wonderful day!

Happy birthday to you,
On this your special day.
We’re so glad to share it with you,
To bring gifts, eat cake and play.

We hope you have a great time,
And that all your wishes come true.
Because we don’t know anyone who deserves
A happier birthday than you!