Category Archives: Pupil News

Headteacher’s end of term message

Mr Neil Hendry - Head Teacher
Mr Neil Hendry – Head Teacher

As we reach the end of our first term I would like to start with some positive news about our 2015 SQA Examination results. Once again we have made improvements in our whole school attainment and I hope you saw in the local press that a number of our pupils did exceptionally well. With no time to stand still we are already working towards the 2016 examinations. I make no apologies for repeating myself but there is no secret to exam success, it is about hard work and a willingness to make sacrifices. Homework is a vital part of ensuring our young people fulfill their potential. From S1-S6 pupils are set regular homework and I would ask for your continued support in ensuring your young person is getting homework done and handed in on time. Following feedback from last year all our pupil progress reports have a homework box which will tell you if your young person is doing what is required.

Our new S1 have settled in well and are showing a real enthusiasm to become involved in the life of the school. Uniform continues to be a priority with the majority of pupils looking very smart and arriving at school with a bag. Once again, thank you for your ongoing support with this.

This year I will issue an end of term bulletin in December 2015, March 2016 and June 2016. You can of course keep abreast of our pupils’ achievements and successes on both our Facebook and Twitter (@northfieldaca) accounts.

I am delighted to announce that since I last wrote to you, we have made a number of appointments: Mrs Angela Cowie – Targeted Support, Mr David Lawrence – Targeted Support, Mr Peter Todd – Maths, Mrs Karen Henderson – PSA, Mrs Lorna Cumming – Science Technician, PC Russell Minty – School Based Police Officer, Mrs Tina O’Boyle – Pupil Counsellor and Mrs Louise Forbes – Admin support. We welcome all our new staff to our fantastic school. Sadly we say goodbye to Mrs Katie Mackintosh – English and we wish her every success in her new role.

Following on from feedback on our new live reporting system that was piloted last year, we have decided to send out three live reports this year (S1/2/3 – November, February & May and S4/5/6 – October, December and February). This will help us all to ensure our young people are reaching their potential.

I would also like to remind you of the following events at school as we look ahead to Christmas 2015.

  • Monday 26 October – Term begins
  • Monday 16 November – In-service Day
  • Wednesday 18 November – S3 Parent Consultation Evening
  • Monday 23 November to Friday 27 November – S2 Consultation Week
  • Tuesday 8 December and Wednesday 9 December – ASG Christmas Concert
  • Friday 18 December – Last Day of Term

Finally I would like to wish everyone a relaxing October break.

Shaping Middlefield



Do you live, work, volunteer or access services in Middlefield?

Aberdeen City Council want the community to be active partners in developing and implementing plans for their neighbourhood.

Following on from the Total Place survey, this event is an opportunity to continue that process by prioritising issues identified and to develop a 10 year vision for Middlefield.

11 – 1pm – 22nd August – Manor Park Community Building.

Lunch provided.

This event is open to all – crèche is available – phone 01224812074 to book or book online at

 C-fine, Face painting, balloon modelling, fire and police all here to entertain the wee ones while you share your ideas.

Please forward this invitation to anyone you think may be interested.

School football trials

football team

After the success of both the S1 and S3 football teams last year, we look forward this year to another exciting season of school football.  This year we will be running four teams at S1, S2, S3 and S4 level. Every team is open to new players and players will be selected based on their performance at trials.

The first of the trials will be Wednesday 19th August after school for the S1 football team. This will run till around 4:30 and will be on the grass pitches so boots and shin guards should be worn. Please see Mr McKenzie if you have any more questions about this, or if you are interested in playing for the team but can not make the trial.

The second trial will be on Monday 24th August after school with the same format, for the S3 football team.  Please see Mr Halcrow or Mr McKenzie if you have any queries about this or can not make the trial.

Please pay attention for information regarding the S2 and S4 trials, of which the dates are yet to be confirmed but will be at some point next week.

Cummings Park Centre


Cummings Park Centre managed by Aberdeen City Council will be open for business from Tuesday 18th August 2015.

The Council and other Agencies will be providing a limited programme.

BUT ………. in order for the Cummings Park community to get the activities it wants there will need to be local Community Organisation/s formed to recruit and support volunteers. These organisation/s will develop groups and activities that the Community is asking for e.g. Parent & Toddlers, Under 12’s, Café, Older People Groups. We need local people to come forward and form these local organisation/s.

There will be a meeting on Tuesday 21st July at 6:30pm at Cummings Park Centre for people to come along and volunteer to be part of these organisations/s.

Please take this opportunity to become involved in developing Cummings Park Centre so that the activities you want happen.

Please reply by email to

Eco Group – a sad farewell


The school Eco group celebrated the last week of term by arranging an Eco Party. Sadly a dedicated member of the Eco Group Miah Allan will be leaving us this year, the Eco Group would like to wish her a great future and presented her with a Bonsai Tree to remind her of her time at Northfield Academy.

Summer Fair prizes

Miss Ross and Miss Gibb are dead keen that you take part in the chance to win some amazing prizes!


  • To win the Dulux Dog you have to guess his name. It costs 20p per guess.
  • To win the Minion you have to guess his name. It costs 20p per guess.
  • To win the Jar of Sweets you have to guess how many sweets are in the jar. It costs 20p per guess.
  • To win the Signed Aberdeen Top  you have to select your Aberdeen “dream team”. It costs £1 to enter. The person with the closest dream team to Mr Hendry’s will win.

So, get yourself along to the school on Saturday, from 10am to 1pm, to even begin to stand a chance of winning!

S5/6 Return to Timetable – Wednesday 3rd June 2015 – 8.40am

We are writing to ensure you are clear of the details for the first day back for S5/6 pupils at Northfield Academy.

All Senior pupils should report to the Assembly Hall at 8.40 am on Wednesday 3rd June.  During this meeting the expectations of Senior Pupils at Northfield will be explained, timetables issued and crucial information shared.  It is vital that all returning pupils attend this meeting, failure to attend will delay admission into S5/6 for 2015-2016 session.

As was explained before exam leave we are expecting Senior Pupils to play a significant leadership role within the life of the school in 2015-2016 and beyond.  Included in this is the increased expectations of school uniform. We do not expect a blazer between 3rd June and the end of the summer term. Pupils should arrive on the morning of the 3rd June 2015 in black trousers, black leggings or skirt, along with the same black sweatshirt you will have worn in S4. Further details of the uniform for August 2015 will be issued later this term.

We look forward to welcoming returning pupils back into S5/6 and working with them all to ensure that they contribute to the wider life of Northfield Academy while ensuring their own individual aspirations are achieved.

New extra – curricular club timetable

Extra curricular timetable-page-001

Extra curricular timetable

Attached is the new extra – curricular club timetable which will be starting Monday 18th May.  Below is information about clubs.

Thanks, PE Dept.


  • S1 – S3 BadmintonMonday lunch time. This club is for any S1 – S3 pupil who wants to come along for a friendly game of badminton. 
  • S1 – S6 Badminton School Team trainingMonday after school. This club is open for S1 – S6 pupils who want to develop skills and are interested in representing the school. 
  • Free runningTuesday lunch times. This club is open for any pupil who would like to come along to develop skills in Parkour. 
  • Girls Drop in 5 asideTuesday lunch times. This club is open to any S1 – S6 girl who would like to come for a game of football.


  • Girls Football Team trainingTuesday after school. This club is for any S1 – S6 girl who wants to train to become better and be part of the school football team.


  • Basketball Drop in – Wednesday lunch time. This is a club for any pupil who wants to come along and play friendly games. (This was previously on a Thursday so please be aware of the change) 
  • Basketball S1/2 Team Training OnlyWednesday after school. This is for any S1/2 pupil who wants to come along to train to develop skills and represent the school in competitions.


  • Girls Only Drop in Activity clubThursday lunch times. This club is for any S1 – S3 girl who wants to come along at lunch time to take part in an activity.  The activity can be anything the group wants to do so could be gymnastics, dance, cheerleading, dodgeball…the list is endless and will be entirely up to the girls on that day.
  • Senior Basketball club only – Friday lunch times. This club is for any S4 – S6 pupils who wants to come along to train to get better and play games. 


  • Staff/ Senior 5 a-side footballFriday after school. This is for any staff member and S4 – S6 pupil who would like to come along for a kick about.

Auchmill Gala/ Fun Day

Sunday 21st June sees the Aucmill Gala/ Fun Day at Auchmill Golf Club.  There will be activities for all, as well as the opportunity to enter a team for the AM/ AM Golf competition. don’t worry if you don’t have a handicap – there will be a seperate competition for non regular players.

If you, your family or company want to sponsor a hole, contact Gordon Graham on 07736329751 or

To book tee times, contact Auchmill Golf Club on 01224 715214