
This year, Northfield Academy will be participating in the BBC News School Report on 19th of March.

Since 2007, BBC News School Report has been giving 11-16 year-olds across the UK the opportunity to make and broadcast their own news. This film helps explain more about the project and how it works.

With support from BBC staff, teachers can use lessons plans and resources from the School Report website to help students create their reports.

And on the annual News Day in March, all the students work to a deadline, producing and publishing their content onto their school’s dedicated webpage, which the BBC links to, giving their stories a real audience.

New School Website


The Northfield Academy website has a new look!

This new website is cleaner, faster and generally better than the old one.  As it is run through GLOW, it will be easy, in the coming months, to add pupil and staff as users,  so that they can add news as it happens!

We are still linked to Facebook and Twitter, so any news we post here will still update

Go4Set Success

On Wednesday 11th February six S2 pupils won the Aberdeen City and Shire Go4SET competition.

Since November Miah Allan, Jordan Cobban, Caitlin Scollay, Glen Christie, Kyle Worrall and Jordan Rait have been working in their own time to complete the challenge.

The team were tasked with designing an Eco Hotel, they carried out research into where their hotel would be, what itwould be built from and furnished with (that would be environmentally friendly) and how they would power their hotel. The pupils used this information in a formal report, as well as designing a model of their hotel and posters for a display.

During the finale the pupils presented their design to the judges and faced ten minutes of questioning. The team received £250 for the school, a trophy, a framed certificate and are invited to attend the national final in Edinburgh in June.

Each member of the team will receive a silver CREST award for their contribution to the project.