All posts by Miss Catlow

Assembly 28th January

This week we revisited the rights of a child, making links to our learning with Miss McKay in Term 1 and 2. We will now focus on the following rights; Article 17 (right to get information that is important to your well-being) and Article 24 (right to the best health care).  As a unit we began to discuss the difference between our physical health and our mental health.  This work will continue and will look further at our feelings and how these impact our mind and actions over the next few assemblies. It will lead into a focus on resilience.

At home any discussions about feelings (naming them, recognising them, knowing what it does to our body in terms of how we feel and look) and how we manage these feelings looking particularly at coping strategies for resilience building, would be very useful.  I will share the strategies we focus on in school!

The P2 pupils have been offered the opportunity to put themselves forwards as leaders for the units. I will be looking for 2 pupils from each P2 class and these will be chosen in class by the rest of their classmates. Some have been chosen already! I really look forward to working with the small group closely and will ask the children to share what they are doing through my blog so that you know what they are up to!

Star Assembly Class: Congratulations goes to P1/2 this week! As a team they sat very well and we had one of their classmates up as a volunteer which was very appreciated! It was hard to choose a class this week as they are all working hard in assembly!

Star Pupils: Congratulations to all our star pupils this week. I am very proud to see people working hard in their learning and trying their very best.


Assembly 21st January 2019

On Monday we had a very special assembly.  For the last few weeks the whole school have been learning about Scotland, in particular Scots poems to celebrate Burns day on 25th January. Learning about the country they live in is very relevant for the children and helps to celebrate Scots language. Therefore today we had a sharing learning assembly where 2 children from each class volunteered to come up and share their learning with the rest of the Green Unit. They were very confident and some children are definitely mini teachers in the making! It is fantastic to see the wealth of learning across the unit and the hard work from the pupils and teachers.

We discussed how there are famous Scots in the present day such as Andy Murray and then we learned about Robert Burns and how although he is no longer alive, his work is celebrated still and that he is someone that Scots are very proud of. Some P6 children then shared their Scots poems with us which they are learning for the school’s Burns Competition.

If you are celebrating Burns this weekend then I hope you all have a lovely time and enjoy the haggis, neeps and tatties!

Star class of assembly: Congratulations goes to P1S who sat so beautifully, showing good listening and audience skills whilst all the children were sharing their learning.

Star pupils: Well done to our star pupils this week!


On Monday 14th January we were treated to a special presentation from some older pupils who wanted to make the children aware of palm oil.  Before the presentation began we discussed how important it is for us to look after our planet. We do this for example, by recycling in class and making sure that we don’t waste paper. The children then learned about where palm oil comes from and how it is in some food and even some make up! It would be great for families to think about buying products which are palm oil free.

Thank you to Aria, Maia, Lily, Zoe and Matthew (who did a great job filling in at the last moment) for all your hard work and for a confident and interesting presentation.

Star Class of Assembly: This week it goes to P1M for some of the smartest and quietest sitting I have seen! You listened really well to the presentation.

Star Pupils: Congratulations goes to all our Star Pupils this week for lots of reasons. I am very proud to see the children are aiming high and doing their very best.

Miss Catlow

Assembly 07.01.19

It was great to see all the P1-3 boys and girls back to school looking rested and excited for a new term of learning!

It was our last assembly with P3s joining us, as they will now be attending Mrs Dalziel’s P3-5 assembly on a Friday.

At this assembly we reflected on last term and our holidays. We discussed the new year and thought about how we want to make 2019 a great year in the unit. Before the holidays I had asked every class to do a small job for me. Each class came up with 2 words to describe their class which has made a large wordle inside the unit! The boys and girls also gave me some feedback about what they would like from me as their Depute and information that they wanted me to know about the units to make it even better place. I shared the pupils feedback at the assembly and have started working on some of their ideas already!

As I am new to the unit we started this year by revisiting our Golden Rules and expectations, such as always walking in the units, keeping the units/cloakrooms tidy and holding the doors open. We acted out a story about a Frog School where no one had any respect for each other and we didn’t like the sound of that school! As the boys and girls told me they would like stickers for things they do well, we have now got a new challenge – to gain stickers for following the Golden rules and expectations! At the end of the term we will see which class has been awarded the most stickers!

If your child comes home with a ‘Green Unit Star’ or a ‘Purple Unit Star’ sticker make sure you ask them what they got it for!

STAR CLASS OF THE WEEK WINNER: This week P2K won the star class assembly trophy for sitting smartly, showing good listening and offering lots of suggestions. Well done!

STAR PUPILS – These will start next week and the teachers have their certificates ready to go!

I trust you all had a wonderful holiday and are looking forward to Term 3.  FYI I am teaching P1D on a Monday and Tuesday each week now and had a great first two days with the boys and girls!

Miss Catlow

Hello Everyone!

Welcome to my blog for the Green Unit.

I have really enjoyed meeting all the pupils, staff and parents over the last 2 weeks and I am looking forward to working with you further.

I will use this blog to share learning and events from the Green Unit.

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Miss Catlow